陈兰美,男,1982年2月生于河南南阳,博士,教授,硕士生导师,澳大利亚默多克大学访问学者。主要从事具有靶向功能的天然产物小分子及其金属配合物的设计、合成及其生物医学应用研究。2015年广东省高等院校优秀青年教师培养对象,广东省高等学校 “千百十人才培养工程”校级培养对象,广东省自然科学基金评审专家及Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等近10个杂志审稿人。先后主持国家自然科学青年基金,广东省自然科学基金,广东省优秀青年教师培养项目,广东省卫生厅及中药局等6项课题。以第一或通讯作者在国际知名SCI期刊上发表SCI论文23篇,累计影响因子78分,其中近五年来发表15篇,累计IF 65分。申请国家发明专利4项,已授权2项。
2014.01—2019.12 广东医科大学,副教授;
2020.01—至今 广东医科大学,教授;
2019.08—2020.08澳大利亚MurdochUniversity,Centre for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Therapeutics,访问学者。
2021年湛江市科技局项目(主持):精准靶向非小细胞肺癌环金属铱诊疗一体试剂的开发, (No. 2021A05044,2021.10-2023.10.)
2017年度国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金)(主持):Cyclo-Ru-IQ的设计、合成及其抑制Nrf2逆转非小细胞肺癌顺铂耐药的分子机制,(No. 21701034, 2018.01-2020.12.)
2016年度广东省中医药局科研课题(主持):纳米硒增敏木犀草素诱导肺癌细胞凋亡的机制研究(No: 20161143, 2016.4-2018.1.)
广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划(主持):靶向线粒体的咪唑类钌配合物的合成及诱导癌细胞自噬、凋亡的相关机制研究,(No: YQ2015086, 2016.01-2018.12,在研)。
广东省自然科学基金 (主持):钌配合物功能化纳米金负载siRNA逆转肿瘤多药耐药的研究,(No: S2013010011660, 2013.10-2015.10,已结题)。(5万)
Weigang Chen, Xianhong Cai, Qiang Sun, Xinhua Guo, Chunmei Liang, Hong Tang, Heming Huang, Hui Luo, Lanmei Chen*, Jincan Chen*, Design and synthesis of aptamer-cyclometalated iridium(III) complex conjugate targeting cancer cells, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 236, 114335. (IF= 6.514,一区)
Lanmei Chen, Jie Wang, Xianhong Cai, Suxiang Chen, Jingjing Zhang, Baojun Li, Weigang Chen, Xinhua Guo, Hui Luo*, Jincan Chen*, Cyclometalated Ru(II)-isoquinoline complexes overcome cisplatin resistance of A549/DDP cells by downregulation of Nrf2 via Akt/GSK-3β/Fyn pathway, Bioorganic Chemistry, 2022, 119, 105516.(IF= 5.275)
Jincan Chen, Yuanyuan Deng, Jie Wang, Suxiang Chen, Fa Peng, Xuerong He, Meijun Liu, Hui Luo*, Jingjing Zhang*, Lanmei Chen*, Cyclometalated Ru(II) β-carboline complexes induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human HeLa cervical cancer cells via suppressing ERK and Akt signaling, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 26, 793–808. (IF= 3.358)
Tao Wang#, Lanmei Chen#, Arpitha Chikkanna, Suxiang Chen, Isabell Brusius, Nabayet Sbuh, Rakesh N. Veedu*, Development of nucleic acid aptamer-based lateral flow assays: A robust platform for cost-effective point-of-care diagnosis, Theranostics, 2021, 11, 5174-5196 (IF=8.579, 一区)
Jincan Chen, Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Deng, Tao Wang, Tifang Miao, Chengpeng Li, Xianhong Cai, Ying Liu, Justin Henri, Lanmei Chen*, Ru(II) Complexes Bearing O, O-Chelated Ligands Induced Apoptosis in A549 Cells through the Mitochondrial Apoptotic Pathway, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, 2020, 8890950. (IF=3.273)
Jincan Chen, Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Deng, Baojun Li, Chengpeng Li, Yuxue Lin, Dongbin Yang, Huanyun Zhang, Lanmei Chen*, Tao Wang*, Novel cyclometalated Ru(II) complexes containing isoquinoline ligands: synthesis, characterization, cellular uptake and anticancer activity, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 112562. (IF= 5.572,一区)
Yanan Liu1, Chunfang Wei1, Ange Lin, Jiali Pan, Xu Chen, Xufeng Zhu, Youcong Gong, Guanglong Yuan, Lanmei Chen*, Jie Liu*, Zhaohui Luo*, Responsive functionalized MoSe2 nanosystem for highly efficient synergistic therapy of breast cancer, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 189, 110820. (IF=3.973)
Yanan Liu1, Ange Lin1, Jiawei Liu, Xu Chen, Xufeng Zhu, Youcong Gong, Guanglong Yuan, Lanmei Chen*, Jie Liu*, Enzyme-Responsive Mesoporous Ruthenium for Combined Chemo-Photothermal Therapy of Drug-Resistant Bacteria, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 26590−26606. (IF= 8.456,一区)
Meng Xu, Yayu Wen, Yanan Liu*, Xianjie Tan, Xu Chen, Xufeng Zhu, Chunfang Wei, Lanmei Chen*, Zhong Wang, Jie Liu*, Hollow mesoporous ruthenium nanoparticles conjugated bispecific antibody for targeted anti-colorectal cancer response of combination therapy. Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 9661-9678. (IF=7.233,一区)
Yanan Liu1, Hui Zhou1, Tiantian Yin, Youcong Gong, Guanglong Yuan, Lanmei Chen*, Jie Liu*, Quercetin-modified gold-palladium nanoparticles as a potential autophagy inducer for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 552, 388-400. (IF=6.361)
Jincan Chen, Yao Zhang, Xin-ming Ji, Ji She, Guangzhi Dongye, Yu Zhong,Yuan-yuan Deng, Jie Wang, Bo-yang Guo, Lanmei Chen*, Ruthenium(II) salicylate complexes inducing ROS-mediated apoptosis by targeting thioredoxin reductase, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2019, 193, 112-123. (IF=3.224)
Jincan Chen1, Yao Zhang1, Guodong Li, Fa Peng, Xinming Jie, Ji She, Guangzhi Dongye, Zhilin Zou, Shiwen Rong, Lanmei Chen*, Cytotoxicity in vitro, cellular uptake, localization and apoptotic mechanism studies induced by ruthenium(II) complex, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 23, 261-275. (IF= 3.632)
Jincan Chen, Fa Peng, Yao Zhang, Baojun Li, Ji She, Xinming Jie, Zhilin Zou, Man Chen, Lanmei Chen*, Synthesis, characterization, cellular uptake and apoptosis-inducing properties of two highly cytotoxic cyclometalated ruthenium(II) β-carboline complexes, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 140, 104-117. (IF= 4.833,一区)
版权:广东医科大学研究生院 | 地址:广东省湛江市霞山区文明东路2号 | 邮编:524023