1.Wei Zhao, Hong Jing Cui, Kun Pei Qiu, Tao Zhou, Xiao Shan Hong, Xin Guang Liu. Yeast molecular chaperone gene SSB2 is involved in the endoplasmic reticulum stress response. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.2019,112:589-598.(第一作者)
2.Hong-jing Cui, Xin-gang Cui, 2Xia Jing, Yuan Yuan, Ya-qin Chen, Ya-xin Sun, Wei Zhao,Xin-guang Liu.GAS1 deficient Enhances UPR Activity inSaccharomyces cerevisiae. BioMed Research International.2019,2019(1):1-12.(并列通讯)
3.Wei Zhao, Tao Zhou, Hua-Zhen Zheng, KunPei Qiu, HongJing Cui,Hui Yu,XinGuang Liu.Yeast polyubiquitin gene UBI4 deficiency leads to early induction of apoptosis and shortened replicative lifespan. Cell Stress and Chaperones.2018, 23:527–537.(第一作者)
4.WeiZhao,Hua-ZhenZheng,TaoZhou,Xiao-ShanHoHong-JingCui,Zhi-WenJiang,Hui-jiChen,Zhong-JunZhou,Xin-GuangLiu.CTT1 overexpression increases the replicative lifespan of MMS-sensitiveSaccharomyces cerevisiaedeficient in KSP1.Mech Ageing Dev,2017,164(6):27-36.(第一作者)
5.Wei Zhao, HuaZhen Zheng,Yu-Jie Niu,Yuan Yuan,Bing-Xiong Fang,Yi-Na Liu,Lu-Hui Cai, Zhong-Jun Zhou, XinGuang Liu.CIA2deficiency results in impaired oxidative stress response and enhancedintracellular basal UPR activity inSaccharomyces cerevisiae.FEMSMicrobiology Letters,2015,362(6):1-8.(第一作者)